Words: Tina Edward Gunawardhana
Photographs: Ranji Thangiah
Ranji says her “go to” cuisine is Sri Lankan and South Indian food which reflects her heritage. Although she has not formally received any training in cooking, she learnt from the best teachers. Like countless others, Ranji spent her young days with her parents in their kitchen watching them weave their magic with various ingredients to create a smorgasbord of dishes which would tantalise her tastebuds.
Through her various social media forums she hosts, she shares her heritage through her various recipes which she painstakingly recreates until she reaches perfection. An excellent food photographer, Ranji’s work is widely followed by people from all over the world. In this issue, she shares with us her recipe for that all favourite, Breudher cake a favourite amongst the Burger community which has now found its way to the tables of all communities. Ranji’s Breudher is created with an arrack glaze to give it an extra punch. She also pays homage to the Jak fruit which is enjoying the limelight especially in the West. A great substitute for meat, her Jakfruit Biryani is simply mouth watering. Ever keen to promote Sri Lankan ingredients she also includes recipes for Jaggery meringues and jaggery slow roast beef short ribs which look as good as it tastes.
These four recipes are easy peasey and even those daunted by cooking can easily attempt it.