Events,Hi Mag l by Hi!! Online l 26 Apr 2022     - 396


Sri Lanka’s leading designers held the audience in thrall during three days of back to back fashion at  the HSBC Colombo Fashion Week held at the Shanrgi-La hotel in Colombo. 23 designers took to the runway to showcase their collections. Brimming with new ideas on sustainability, preserving artisanal crafts, using zero waste patterns and natural dyes the clutch of designers presented collections which were both sleek and stunning. Despite the prevailing pandemic the emerging and senior designers had not lost their oomph and presented collections which were fresh, innovative and sleek. Sticking to their brief of incorporating elements of sustainability each designer had either used fabric destined for landfill, minimum waste patterns or upcycled previous collections which met the criteria for circularity. All things considering Sri Lanka was treated to a fashion extravaganza.


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