Events,Hi Mag l by Hi!! Online l 18 Oct 2022     - 370

Sheranee turns 80!

Sheranee Sellamuttu, a well known and beloved personality celebrated her 80th birthday with a gala party at Bayleaf  recently. Friends and family gathered to wish the popular birthday girl, who was even wished by the President and his wife, who made time very specially for Sheranee.
Nisha Rockwood, Sheranee’s niece sang to the delight of all the guests, while Gerard Ondaatje a friend of the family also serenaded the birthday girl. Sheranee’s grandson Akash Sellamuttu paid a tribute to his grandmother, while daughter-in-law Sonali spoke lovingly of her mother-in-law, as did son Dinesh Sellamuttu, who then went on to propose the toast.
It was a wonderful evening filled with love and laughter with many old friends meeting each other after quite a while. Altogether a most unforgettable evening for all!


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