Events,Hi Mag l by HI Online l 9 Dec 2019     - 372

Zonta International’s Centennial year District 25 Conference

Zontians from Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Nepal converged for Zonta International’s Centennial year District 25 Conference which was held at the Galle Face Hotel in Colombo. The theme of the conference was Celebrate-Honour and Empower. 
Zonta International, a leading global organisation of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy, celebrates a milestone 100 years at its 15th Biennial District 25 Conference, held in Colombo. This two-day event, had nearly 150 Zontians converged to celebrate this landmark year, honour the Zonta Centennial Country and District Awardees and empower many more women through service and advocacy. Ute Scholz, Vice President, Zonta International and its Foundation, graced this occassion. Commenting on this milestone year, Shahnaz Nathani, Governor, District 25, said, “We Zontians through friendship and understanding, corporation and goodwill are an irresistible force to ensure that women’s rights are human rights. The Zonta Centennial anniversary provides us a unique opportunity for increased visibility of Zonta’s work towards women’s equality, empowerment and elimination of violence against women and girls.”


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