Make up can be quite the expense. To top that off, make up also expires quite fast and not all of us have the luxury of renewing our stash every other year. Most importantly, you definitely don’t have to go out and buy every product you see the hotshot YouTube makeup gurus own and use. Here are some tips and tricks to be budget friendly AND look your best. The best of both worlds, really.
- Got an eyeshadow palette with shimmery hues that match your skin tone. There’s your all in one eyeshadow and highlighter palette.
- Mascara all dried up? Add a little contact solution into your mascara tube and voila! You get your long, elongated eyelashes back for zero cost.
- Gently use a toothbrush instead of a lip exfoliator.
- Don’t have the desired blush? Add dabs of lipstick on your cheek and blend. Lucky for us, this hack works both ways. Achieve the desired lipstick shade by mixing your powdered blush with some lip balm.
- Working with pencil liner can be quite tricky. Melt the tip ever so lightly with a lighter and see the difference.
- Who doesn’t love fluttery lashes? Here’s another mascara tip. Fluff your lashes with a gentle coat of translucent powder between your first and second coat of mascara.
- Turn your foundation into a tinted moisturizer for a lighter feel by mixing equal parts foundation and moisturizer.
- Substitute your eye primer with a concealer to achieve a flawless, creaseless and smudge proof eye look.
- Use a dark brown gel eyebrow pencil to sculpt and contour
- Thoroughly clean your old mascara brushes and reuse them as a spooly to get a clean eyebrow look.
Make up is multi-purpose. Work it to your advantage.
Amra is a full time sustainability auditor who makes time to follow her passion in journalism as a part time writer and presenter. Something she loves doing is meeting people and learning what their outlook on a given situation is. She also happens to be a big foodie and is always down for a good meal.