To all the young girls looking for inspiration to start their own business line, here’s two sisters who made their dream work and revolutionized the beauty industry in Sri Lanka. While they have their own things going on, they have been each other’s biggest supporters. Who wouldn’t want your sister to be your partner in business and in life? Here’s Aniqha’s outlook on questions we all want answers to.
Saarah was 21 and I was 20 years old. We are on our 7th successful year of running our business together.
This time has helped me evolve as an individual. Its taught me patience and that sometimes not everything goes as planned, so we must be extremely grateful for the many things we have been blessed with. We often forget to notice them. In my case, that would be my family and closest friends.
The Pandemic has had a substantial impact on our business, as it has for many businesses in various industries. There was a feeling of uncertainty and a fear of the unknown that accompanied it, and that ended up affecting our plans and timelines for the future. However, we knew we couldn’t navigate our way through this unless we were resolute and agile. Unless we were willing to adapt, we would be left behind. So, we sat down and prepared the measures that had to be taken in order to get our business up and running. Hygiene at our Salons have always been a top priority and we were happy to take the necessary precautions that had to be taken in order to give our clients the confidence to return.
Saarah and I have an age gap of just a year and four months, so we do have our differences, but she has always been my partner in both business and in life! As we’ve gotten older our relationship has grown and matured along with it and I value everything she’s taught me and all the times she’s been there for me. We’ve learned to listen and respect each other’s perspectives, and this too has taught me many a lesson.
When people nudge/ poke me to express the importance of something they’re saying.
Skin Candy is essentially one of those services that you don’t know you need until you try it!Many of us aren’t aware that there are 43 muscles in your face and that these hold tension and stress. Our service primarily focuses on relaxing them by combining facial massage and facial yoga techniques into a single service. However, we wanted to enhance this experience by getting our clients to participate in building their own, natural facial oils based on their skin type. We share our knowledge on what’s best for the client’s skin and thereafter, we build a customized oil which will then be utilized in the service, leaving the customer in a state of bliss
I prioritize! I focus on the things most important to me and when I do so, they all fall into place in the end.Sometimes it does get overwhelming because I feel like I don’t have enough time in my day to focus on everything I’d like to do, but this is a part of life.
Saarah is kind, hardworking and creative! She inspires me every day. I know you limited me to three words, but it would be incomplete if I didn’t say that she is also very genuine.
Honestly you wouldn’t realize the impact it has on your face until you’ve had one. I was so blown away by it I decided to turn it into a business. LOL. As I said earlier this will relax the muscles on your face, but an added incentive is that it tones your face over time along with promoting good blood flow and leaving a healthy glow!
An ideal date night would be all about the food and company, with an episode of Parks and Recreation in the background. Comfort is key so even an oversized T-shirt and yoga pants coupled with a comfy couch is ideal. However, the occasional heels and dress is always something I go for if it’s a more formal setting
Do yourself a favor and ditch the razor! You will thank me later. No pun intended. That would be the biggest tip of all. However, EXFOLIATE! EXFOLIATE! EXFOLIATE!
I don’t think it would be very accurate of me to say that I really have any fashion influencers that I’ve drawn inspiration from. I mostly just go by wearing something I’m most comfortable in.
It’s unique because to my knowledge, there is no one else that offers a concept similar to this. It’s the first of its kind and we are extremely happy to be able to offer it to our clients!
This is probably the hardest question thus far as anyone that knows me, knows that music is a big part of my life. So, picking out a single song is almost impossible. I would definitely say though that my 90’s were pop heavy. So, Britney Spears, BSB and choreographed dance routines were my jam.
Cooking. AKA being the hostess with the most-est.
It sounds cliché but I genuinely do love receiving flowers. Lilies are my fave.
That’s easy, my mom! I really look up to her work ethic and how she just goes out there and gets things done! She’s an absolute go-getter and I think my siblings and I have the same drive as she does. She’s my biggest inspiration.
We definitely see ourselves growing and working towards being able to give accessibility to people from all parts of our country to what we can offer. We hope to one day be an integral part of revolutionizing skin care in Sri Lanka.
I Netflix binged “The Politician” and loved it!
Ideas and simply ideas, so you need to get out there are turn those dreams into reality. Working on them and creating something unique is its own reward so don’t be disheartened by the fear of failure. It’s important to take risks and challenge ourselves to always do and be better. Another tip would be to always surround yourself with people that inspire you and have a positive influence on your life. I know I do.