Mag Events l by Tina Edward Gunawardhana l 14 Jul 2023     - 132

Art Born from the Aragalaya…One year on

Words: Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Celebrated artist Anoma Wijeywardene like countless others was deeply moved by the uprising of the people – the Aragalaya. Inspired by the people’s struggle and the predicament of the nation, Anoma created a series of paintings which convey her deep thoughts on a movement which came about due to people’s power. Creating a 360 degree angle to her art, Anoma invited political analysts, human rights activists and media personnel to title her paintings as they saw fit, adding a collaborative element to her collection.


What is the rationale behind this collection of paintings?

I do not ever begin with rationale. I seem to be driven by my emotions to create and it is only during the long and complex process of painting that the meaning and rationale emerges. While it is always feeling and emotion driven, my work is mostly about issues of existential concern; it’s about unity, diversity and reconciliation and about the environment and transformation.

So these works were fuelled by my memories of a year ago, sadness for all that was hoped for and not achieved, and yet the ever present hope that freedom and prosperity is possible for all our peoples.


How did you keep your sanity while painting this collection when all around you there was mayhem and bloodshed?

To be honest, none of them were done knowingly during the mayhem and bloodshed. There are four paintings that are precursors to this collection which were painted on the actual day of the 9th of May 2022 while I had no idea whatsoever regarding the events taking place in my city.


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Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Tina Edward Gunawardhana is the Deputy Editor of Hi!! Magazine. She writes on a variety of topics which include travel, fashion, lifestyle, cuisine and personalities. She is also a journalist for the Daily Mirror Life. An intrepid traveller, Tina likes to show readers the world through her eyes and experiences. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - tinajourno or email her at

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