Columnists,Nikita Gomez,Main Slider,Top Story l by Nikita Gomez l 15 Apr 2022     - 311

All things Nutella




  1. The world’s best hazelnut (and chocolate) spread
  2. A source of happiness
  3. It’s versatility knows no bounds
  4. Can be eaten at any meal

Nutella is probably the best thing since sliced bread. A simple creamy chocolatey spread which is popularly found inside a Ferrero Rocher has changed the food world forever. There’s even a day dedicated to it – February 5th.

Its creation is owed to the war, privatization and improvisation. Due to the Napoleonic trade bans cocoa was restricted. This inspired local blends to be made with hazelnuts. During WW2 the Ferrero family went on to create the revered Nutella we know today by mixing cocoa and hazelnuts. A few tweaks later and here we are at a 12 Billion Euro a year industry.

If you’re a chocoholic you would know Nutella eaten straight out of the jar tastes best but because of its versatility it deserves to go on everything else. So how best to eat it?

A few no-no’s

  1. Although the label screams DO NOT STORE IN THE FRIDGE, Nutella tastes much better with a hint of coldness to it and enhances that nutty undertone.
  2. Don’t heat Nutella if possible instead bring it to room temperature and then use it. As heating Nutella can reduce its flavor profile and you won’t taste that unique richness.
  • Baked goods

Nutella is perfect to add that extra chocolatey feel into your brownies, cookies, rocky road bars or even enhance other flavours like peanut butter, rice crispies or oatmeal. Just follow your normal recipe and add in Nutella as an extra ingredient. If you want to use it as an extra flavor dimension you can even use Nutella as a sandwich paste in between two cookies or drizzle it on top.

  • Bottoms up

Nutella is the perfect addition to a milkshake, smoothie or hot chocolate as it is gives you that creamy goodness you need.  Just substitute it for the chocolate syrup or cocoa respectively.

  • Breakfast

Crepes, waffles, pancakes are the general indulgent breakfasts that pair perfectly with Nutella. Not only can you pour it on top but you can actually incorporate it into the batter and go full Nut-zilla so that it is double the chocolate.

With Croissants as they are often buttery and tasty on their own you don’t want to drown out that flavour. So a simple drizzle or a small dip of Nutella is adequate to marry that buttery goodness with that hazelnut and chocolatey undertone.

Cinnamon rolls are louder in flavor and size so don’t be afraid to douse those rolls in Nutella. It will pair perfectly with the cinnamon and give it a unique flavor profile.

Since French toast is already rich so go heavily or lightly depending on how indulgent you want it to be. Personally I wouldn’t put too much Nutella on as the subtle flavor creamy cinnamony may get lost just like in the croissant.

  • A simple sandwich

Don’t underestimate the power of two slices of bread brought together with this humble chocolate spread. Simply sliced bread or kade paan is good enough. As someone who has eaten her fair share of Nutella sandwiches trust me you’re missing out. It also goes well on warm toast.

  • Fruits

Personally I think Nutella caters to very few fruits as a dipping sauce such as strawberries, mango and bananas. The rest for me are a no-no but to each their own.

  • Popcorn

As someone who doesn’t like her popcorn to be too fussy with flavours and colours (I always go for the simply salted option) trust me when I say that the Nutella just adds that hint of chocolate which underlines that popcorn taste. It still gives you that popcorn taste you love while letting you enjoy that chocolate taste you crave.

#nutella #chocolatehazelnut #yummy #foodcoma #hazelnutspread #scrumptious


Nikita Gomez

She’s an avid Marvel fan, an old girl of Ladies’ College and now an LLB graduate from the Faculty of Law, Colombo. She fell in love with writing when she joined her school’s magazine committee by chance and since then has seized every opportunity she can to pursue writing. Additionally she absolutely adores animals and promotes the slogan ‘adopt don’t shop’.

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