Columnists,Amra Yooseph,Main Slider l by Amra Yooseph l 20 Oct 2021     - 211

How to conquer the virtual dating scene?

While some people have the luck of finding ‘The One’ with their eyes closed, it’s never been quite that simple for the rest of us. If you thought dating was hard, the Corona virus just worsened the situation. Between having the country constantly go in to states of curfew and minimizing contact with the outside world, how does one keep the spark alive with a potential significant other during these dark times?

Thanks to the pandemic, dating is yet another human activity that has been forced to go online. However, as a result of the constant evolvement of technology, things aren’t as bad as we make it out to be. With a little creativity and brain storming, here’s how dating can be made possible during these difficult times.

Food to the Fix

Personally, I believe the quickest fix to any mood is Food. With feelings of angst and worry over the health of family and friends at a time like this, people are in a constant state of emotional and mental discomfort. Find out what your potential significant other is craving for and have it sent over via UBER EATS, PickMe Food or whichever food delivery method you’re in favor of. Be extra cute and request a little note to be added in as well. This is sure to add extra brownie points with your date.


Connecting through Apps

Now that we are all working from remote, E-mails and meetings seem to flood in at any given point of the day requiring us to work at odd hours. In addition to this, we also have assignment submissions just around the corner waiting for our undivided attention. At moments like this, we just don’t seem to have adequate energy to invest into maintaining a conversation with a friend, let alone a romantic partner. It’s no brainer that texting can get extremely boring when overdone. In instances as such, it’s important to find other ways to engage with your partner to ensure that feelings aren’t lost.  

1. Netflix and Chill, minus the chilling

Teleparty, formerly known as Netflix Party is a browser extension on Chrome for Netflix, Hulu, Disney and HBO users allowing you and your date to have movie night in the comfort of your own homes. This service has a real time text chat feature so you and your SO can text away all your thoughts while the movie plays. Unfortunately, there is no real time audio or video chat.

Your next best option would be to have a ZOOM call, while one of you loads a movie and shares the screen. This way, you are not restricted to watching movies and shows that are only on Netflix.


2. Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Who doesn’t love a good game? Make game time fun by placing bets such as Loser posts an embarrassing picture online or buys dinner. Get creative and make it hilarious. Ludo Club and Scrabble Go are some two-player games that could be downloaded off of the app store. These also come with real time texting so you can maintain a conversation while playing. If you are one of those, “I have no space on my phone” kind of people, give Skribble a shot. You can easily play it on your web browser. is a drawing and guessing game that is an absolute hit.

3. Connecting through a personalized QnA Session

If you are still in the initial stages of connecting with your SO, having a questionnaire is a fun way of getting to know him/her on a deeper level. Sometimes coming up with questions is a task in itself. Make the process less complicated by using a Random question generator online. This will make way for interesting questions that you likely wouldn’t have come up with on your own. Here’s a link to get you started with very basic yet riveting questions that will bore neither one of you.


4. Dancing your worries away

All of us are definitely over the whole “TikTok is lame” phase of our lives and can’t seem to get enough of the app. There’s a new dance trend surfacing on our “FYP” each time we refresh it. Get your partner on board to dress up and practice a dance trend of your choice. This will not only keep both of you energized but also have you in fits of laughter gaining a whole new bonding experience.

Although the situation right now might not be the most ideal when it comes to dating, finding ways to adapt to it is necessary. Explore yours and your date’s interests in the virtual world and think outside the box to make ends meet. Hopefully, the two of you will come out of this stronger and be more appreciative of quality time spent dating in the real world.

#dating #quarantine #datenight #significantother #partner #love #relationship #gameday #virtual #netflix #movies #TikTok #quarantinedate #lockdown #curfew



Amra Yooseph

Amra is a full time sustainability auditor who makes time to follow her passion in journalism as a part time writer and presenter. Something she loves doing is meeting people and learning what their outlook on a given situation is. She also happens to be a big foodie and is always down for a good meal.

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