Columnists,Deshan Ilangakoon,Main Slider l by Deshan Ilangakoon l 30 Jul 2021     - 535

Tehara as an Artist – Putting Artwork onto a Digital Canvas

The Artist’s Provenance

When we think about drawings and portraits, we normally think of pastels, oil paint and canvases. For most of us digital art even, is basically hand drawn paintings that have been scanned and taken onto a computer. However, Tehara Jayawardhana, a young Media and Communication Design student from the Integrated Design department of University of Moratuwa (and also a budding Lawyer), is embracing technology and moving away from the oil paints and the brushes and opting for the laptop and computer mouse instead.

@tehara_as_an_artist and are the Instagram and Facebook pages of this young artist, where you can go and check out her latest works and also commission your own artwork. Tehara started doing digital portraits and artworks as a way to finetune her graphic designing skills. Her first works were of a few popular Sri Lankan celebrities and models and also of some friends, which she showcased on her social media pages. The Instagram page, which was initially meant just to showcase her work, soon started getting plenty of requests for custom work. So, in April of 2020, Tehara started taking on commissions for portraits and other digital artwork.

Tehara’s skills in Digital artwork are either from her graphic designer background or from teaching herself through YouTube tutorials. Of course, it is hard to spot these humble beginnings or to even realize that she has only been at this for a few years, when you take a look at the artwork on her Instagram or Facebook page. You can even check out some high praises from her celebrity muses and customers on her Instagram page.

The Portfolio

Tehara’s main line of work are minimal portraits and full detail portraits. These are custom digital artworks based on pictures and ideas shared by the commissioner of the work. You also get to pick out what sort of work will go into the background the color scheme for the artwork. Tehara also offers the artwork in several alternate color schemes as well for the customer’s benefit.

When taking the two types of artworks into consideration, the main difference here is the level of details that is in the picture. A minimalistic portrait is quite similar to a color silhouette while a full detail portrait is a life like resemblance based on the original picture. 

Outside of this primary work that Tehara has other digital artworks on offer such as playing cards with custom designed artworks and mug designs. Tehara is also preparing to launch a new line of custom artwork where she does customized artwork and prints for phone back covers. While this last item is still not on offer, it is something that you definitely want to be on the lookout for on the tehara_as_an_artist Instagram page.

Tehara also offers some additional value-added features with her work such as 2 free revisions to the artwork, an option to have the artwork printed and framed (though it is not available during lockdowns) and she even offers custom wrapping for special gift items that are to be delivered straight to the recipient.

Commissioning an Artwork

When it comes to commissioning any custom work, the best way to go about this is to message Tehara on her Instagram page @tehara_as_an_artist or her Facebook page and speak with her directly to get your custom artwork done. She will normally take about 2 days for a minimal portrait while a full detail portrait will take up to 4 to 5 days. Of course, this may change depending on the complexity and the more people you want to add into your picture, but these can all be worked out with her.

The price on the artwork starts at Rs. 1,600 /= for a basic single person, minimal portrait and will increase based on your requirement and the more people there are in the artwork. You can also pay a little extra and an additional day later you can have the picture printed and framed. This option is however not available while lockdown is in progress. These printed artworks can also be home delivered if needed, given that the delivery location is within Colombo. These deliveries are organized by Tehara and sent through PickMe Flash.

Tehara also has special offers when its close to special calendar dates such as Valentine’s Day. So, make sure to follow @tehara_as_an_artist on Instagram or on Facebook, to keep up with the latest offers.

So, if you have any special days coming up like a friend’s or loved one’s birthday or a special anniversary, make sure to ping Tehara to get a custom artwork done for those closest to your heart.

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Deshan Ilangakoon

"A creative writer, photographer, traveler and cyber security professional, Deshan has worked with several local and international travel magazines and other sources, to publish stories and reviews of places, sights and experiences around Sri Lanka. He has a passion to share his experiences through stories and pictures of the wonders of Sri Lanka."

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