Columnists,Amra Yooseph,Main Slider,Top Story l by Amra Yooseph l 22 Sep 2022     - 164

The New Sustainable Lifestyle

Sustainability is no longer just about preserving natural resources or “saving trees” for the future generations but is proved to also improve the quality of our lives and protect our eco system. Sustainability was more a corporate term, something big hot shot conglomerates and organizations tried implementing to Go Green! and maximize benefits. Today, it has become a lifestyle we are all trying to adapt to one way or another. If you are someone who is trying to get with a more sustainable approach to life, here are some easy ways you can make the switch.

  1. Dress cute but sustainable

Ditch the fast fashion brands and opt for local brands such as ABSOLUTE, House of Lonali, and Buddhi Batiks to name a few. More and more local businesses are trying to convert their brands and take a more sustainable approach and that’s probably where we should consider splurging, IF needed!

  1. Reuse and Recycle

Learn how you can turn that plastic water bottle into a flower vase with the help of a few DIY videos on YouTube. Anything is possible if you google a product and the word DIY followed right next to it. You’ll be surprised at how versatile random things lying around your house could be. The end result of these DIY projects will also result in some much needed therapeutic time.

  1. Abandon plastic

While it is a given that we are still in the process of eradicating plastic for good, and probably a long way from the end goal, we can still do our part in minimizing plastic consumption. After all, how does that saying go? “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” We can probably start by NOT complaining about the milo paper straw.

  1. Drive Green

We as a country did make a slight shift in contributing to the minimization of carbon footprint when we all whipped out our bicycles and pedaled our way around town during the recent fuel crisis. Unfortunately, that whole initiative came to a stall the minute things started going back to normal. If cycling to work is a hassle, spend that 50 bucks and take the bus. You’ll be doing the society a favor and saving all that fuel for the next crisis.

  1. New hobby – Gardening

Nothing screams sustainable like planting trees and growing your own fruits and vegetables. This way you’ll be saving two important things. The environment and your money!


Amra Yooseph

Amra is a full time sustainability auditor who makes time to follow her passion in journalism as a part time writer and presenter. Something she loves doing is meeting people and learning what their outlook on a given situation is. She also happens to be a big foodie and is always down for a good meal.

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