Columnists,Shehara Ratnasinghe,Main Slider l by Shehara Ratnasinghe l 2 Nov 2020     - 454

Why Dogs are Truly Man’s Best Friend

Dogs are considered to be not only man’s most loyal friend but also, the oldest. If you are a dog parent, undoubtedly you would agree. Several researches have discovered that having a pet dog can improve their guardian’s health and well-being while improving heart ailments, reducing depression. Some researches show that they maximize your lifespan, too. Their companionship with humans have no bounds. It is apparent that there are many qualities of these canine friends that can be attributed to uplift the human lives in many aspects.

It is said that almost all dog breeds descend from wolves. Several studies show that Mongolia, Asia, Europe and Southern China are some of the first few countries to domesticate dogs initially.

The endearing term, man’s best friend had been coined by King Frederick of Prussia in 1789; “The only, the absolute and the best friend that a man has in this selfish world - the only one that will not betray or deny him, is his DOG”, which was about his Italian Greyhound.

So let’s find out, what are these desirable traits of our best friend!

Their loyalty

Come hell or high water, they will have your back! They will vehemently defend you and will be right beside you no matter what. When times get rough, it can always help to have a dog beside you. This shows the astonishing bond between humans and their furry friends.

Their protection

Several dog breeds are recognised to be guard dogs, and it is definitely in their blood. They have been assisting humans as guard dogs to protect their livestock since the olden days.

True unconditional love

Your pooch will offer you a lifetime of unconditional love and affection. This will contrast human love as there is no judgment. This makes the dog-human relationship very unique.

Health benefits

These fury friends are known to improve the health of their guardians. This is as a result of the daily walks, play time and many other activities. They also help us sleep better, with them by our side. The risks of schizophrenia can also be reduced, including many other mental conditions.

The lessons they teach

It is a known fact that pet dogs teach us about ourselves more every day and their qualities and personalities resemble the personalities and behavior of their owners. It is found in studies and surveys that extroverted dog owners tend to own more playful and active dogs, whereas more even-tempered owners tend to have less aggressive dogs. It is apparent that dogs take life as it comes one day at a time and that is one of the remarkable lessons they can teach us, humans.

They still share many similarities with their canine ancestors

These adorable yet, fierce friends still display many favorable traits inherited by their ancestors; the wolves. Dogs and wolves are from the same genus, Canis, even though they are from different species. However, both are pack animals oftentimes, which is a characteristic in addition to the physical similarities. They both guard their master’s home and defend their territories. Where wolves guarded the livestock, dogs now protect their owners and their houses. They both use their senses to perceive the outside world and their behavioral patterns and attitudes are quite similar. Dog breeds such as the German Shepherds clearly are similar in physique.

Along with these exceptional qualities, dogs also possess many skills in providing assistance in police and military operations. These activities include locating missing individuals, finding illegal drugs and missing evidences related to different crime scenes and even, explosives.

 Therefore these are a few reasons for us to never say no to own a dog, as they say, “a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than, you love yourself.”


Shehara Ratnasinghe

Shehara Ratnasinghe is a post-grad and a freelance writer for Daily Mirror features and Daily Mirror Life, with a particular enthusiasm on writing about society, lifestyle and current affairs. She is a sucker for good books and poetry. When she is not writing, you can find her doing yoga or trying out new things. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram at Shehara Ratnasinghe.

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