Mag Events,Top Story,Travel l by Tina Edward Gunawardhana l 18 Feb 2021     - 172

World Traveller

Words: Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Photo : Kate Martin

Why do you love to travel?

I left school at 16 and moved to London and I think along with books, travel has been my education. It has been such a luxury to be able to step beyond the confines of your own experiences. Travel teaches you so much. Travel makes me feel that I am stepping beyond myself every time I visit a new place. It does not have to be exotic and far away  destinations. However,  I do like it to be as  far away from my normal life as possible.

 My father was the Foreign Editor of the Irish Times and he travelled a lot and although we did not travel with him, I lived vicariously as a child receiving his adventures second hand by looking at his photos and listening to his experiences. I believe my wanderlust was born then.

You are also an acclaimed travel writer. Which country has been your favourite destination?

This is like being asked what my favourite book is! The last place I visit has always been my favourite destination. There are so many places I have not been yet. That said, I really loved Peru as the people were wonderful and the terrain so scenic. Peru had so many endearing qualities.

I loved Sri Lanka too as it is so geographically diverse. You can see so many different things over an eight hour car journey.  I loved that the people were incredibly welcoming. On many occasions I felt they really wanted me to understand how they live and they wanted to open my eyes to their experiences.  I would say Peru and Sri Lanka would be my favourite exotic destinations.


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Tina Edward Gunawardhana

Tina Edward Gunawardhana is the Deputy Editor of Hi!! Magazine. She writes on a variety of topics which include travel, fashion, lifestyle, cuisine and personalities. She is also a journalist for the Daily Mirror Life. An intrepid traveller, Tina likes to show readers the world through her eyes and experiences. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - tinajourno or email her at

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