Columnists,Lihini Welagedara,Main Slider,TRAVEL & CUISINE l by Lihini Welagedara l 2 Nov 2020     - 280

Quarantine Tales from the kitchen – Edition 03

Level up your instant noodles game!

We are officially facing the second wave of COVID-19, and this has me seeking refuge in my kitchen, looking for recipes to make my days at home a little more exciting. Working from home keeps me busy but the thought of creating keeps me looking for recipes that are delicious yet easy. And nothing gets easier than instant noodles! Especially during lockdown, instant noodles is the easiest thing to stock up on. What’s best about them is that they are very versatile and can suit every mood. It’s the perfect lazy day meal; and on the other hand, you can get as extra as you want!

Here is the perfect instant noodles recipe for those who crave something out of the ordinary to lift the gloomy spirit of lockdown.

What you need:


6 table spoons of soy sauce
2 table spoons of oyster sauce
1 table spoons of tomato sauce
2 table spoons of paprika
1 table spoon of chilli flakes
A pinch of salt
1 ½ table spoons of sugar/honey
½ lime


4 cakes of instant noodles
3 chicken breasts (cut to bite sizes)
1 carrot
½ of a cabbage
1 cup of bean sprouts
A few cloves of garlic
1 ½  table spoons of crushed ginger

You can replace the meat with anything from sea food to tofu and add any amount of vegetables per your preference.


First, make the sauce by combining all the ingredients and mixing well. Then, transfer ¾ of it to a bowl. Keep the rest to season the chicken and the vegetables.

Next, heat the pan and grease it with any oil you prefer. Cook the chicken, pour some of the sauce, and sprinkle some pepper and salt.

Boil water in a large pot to cook the noodles and, in the meantime, cut and prep your vegetables.

When the water is bubbling, pour in the 4 packets of instant noodles with or without the seasoning.

Cook it for a maximum of 4 minutes and strain the extra water. Drizzle some olive oil or butter to keep it from sticking.

Check if chicken is cooked well and remove it from heat.

Grease a large pot with oil and place it on medium heat. Once the oil is heated enough, add in the vegetables and sauté for 10 minutes until it is cooked. Add some of the sauce that we prepared earlier to the vegetables.

Once the vegetables are cooked, add the chicken and the noodles. Stir well until everything is mixed.

Now, add the rest of the sauce to the noodles. You can give it a sweet twist by sprinkling a dash of sugar or some honey as well.

Once the noodles is mixed and is well coated with the rich dark brown sauce, remove it from heat. 

TA-DA, the noodles are done!

You can pair the noodles with fried eggs, salad or even a few slices of cucumber. This dish takes less than 20 minutes to make and is the perfect balance between lazy and tasty! Instant noodles gives you the freedom to be creative and impulsive with your cooking; and it really is your best friend during quarantine.

Explore the wonders of instant noodles the next time you stock them up!

Until next time!


Lihini Welagedara

Lihini is a creative writer with a love for all things food, fashion and culture.

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